中国麻风皮肤病杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 590-591.doi: 10.12144/zgmfskin202308590

• 病例报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广东医科大学附属医院皮肤科,湛江,524001
  • 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-07-19

Spitzoid melanoma: a case report

ZHU Yao, CHEN Weiquan, LIU Yaqin, XIE Yingxia, CAI Yanxia   

  1. Department of Dermatology, Guangdong Medical Affiliated Hospital, Zhanjiang 524001, China
  • Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-07-19

摘要: Spitz痣样黑素瘤(spitzoid melanoma,SM)是恶性黑素瘤的一种特殊亚型。本例患者表现为鼻部粉色结节,无痛性快速生长3个月,但表面破溃,早期误诊为化脓性肉芽肿,经组织病理诊断为Spitz痣样黑素瘤。

关键词: Spitz痣样恶性黑色素瘤, 鉴别诊断

Abstract: Spitzoid melanoma (SM) is a specific subtype of malignant melanoma. The patient presented with pink nasal nodules, painless rapid growth for 3 months, but surface ulceration, which was early misdiagnosed as pyogenic granuloma. The diagnosis of Spitz nevus-like melanoma was made according to the features of pathology.

Key words: spitzoid melanoma, differential diagnosis