中国麻风皮肤病杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 599-601.doi: 10.12144/zgmfskin202109599

• 病例报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1内蒙古国际蒙医医院皮肤科,呼和浩特,010020;2内蒙古医科大学,呼和浩特,010110
  • 出版日期:2021-09-15 发布日期:2021-08-05
  • 通讯作者: 木其日,E-mail:

Cutaneous mastocytosis in children characterized by mastocytoma: a case report

LIU Li1, TAN Jing1, HE Xigetu1, WANG Bailing1, QI Baopeng2, GUO Jingxue2, MU Qiri1   

  1. 1 Department of Dermatology, International Mongolian Hospital of Inner Mongolia, Hohhot 010020, China;  2 Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot 010110, China
  • Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-08-05
  • Contact: MU Qiri, E-mail:

摘要: 患儿,男,5个月。右侧下肢伸侧反复浸润性红斑、水疱5个月。皮肤科查体:右下肢伸侧红褐色斑块,表面呈橘皮状,皮损右侧可见水疱形成,Darier征阳性,皮损组织病理示表皮轻度角化过度,棘层轻度增厚,真皮浅中层可见大量肥大细胞浸润。结合病史、临床特点及组织病理学改变,诊断为以肥大细胞瘤为表现的婴儿皮肤型肥大细胞增多症一例,未予特殊处理,目前随访中。

关键词: 肥大细胞增多症, 皮肤型, 婴儿, 皮肤肿瘤

Abstract: A 5-month-old male child presented with recurrent erythema and blisters on the right lower extremity since he was born. Physical examination showed brown plaques on the right lower limb with orange peel like surface, blisters on the right side of the lesion with positive of Darier sign. Biopsy showed the epidermal hyperkeratosis, the spinous layer thickening, and infiltration of large number of mast cells in the superficial and middle dermis. Based on the clinical history, clinical features and histopathological features, the diagnosis of cutaneous mastocytosis characterized by mastocytoma was made. The patient was given no treatment and is under follow-up. 

Key words: mastocytosis, cutaneous, children, skin tumor